Transform Anxiety and Burnout into Unstoppable Confidence & Productivity in 1 hour—without meds or endless therapy.


Break Free from What’s Holding You Back – It’s Time to Thrive

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything to change your anxiety, fears, or relationship struggles? Therapy, meditation, self-help programs—and yet, you’re stuck in the same frustrating loop? You know what you should do, but somehow, it just doesn’t stick.

Sound familiar?

Whether you’re a high achiever feeling blocked, battling inner doubts, or simply tired of being held back by the same issues, there’s a reason why these problems keep coming up. Traditional methods only work on your conscious mind, but the real struggle lies deeper—in your unconscious mind. That’s where anxiety, phobias, and emotional pain live, making them resistant to conscious efforts.

The truth is, your unconscious mind thinks it’s protecting you by keeping you stuck. But that’s where hypnosis comes in.

Hypnosis is a natural, safe, and effective way to communicate directly with your unconscious mind. It helps you break through those barriers, leading to lasting change—without years of therapy or endless struggle.

Hi, I’m Jason, a Board-Certified Hypnotist. I specialize in transforming what you once saw as weaknesses into your greatest strengths.

Imagine your life if you could finally let go of those limitations. What if you could live your best life—with the confidence, freedom, and peace of mind you’ve always wanted?

Read below to see how a few of my 500+ clients have done just that:

Jimmy stopped procrastinating, launched his dream business, and now has the freedom and income to travel the world.

Bob moved past his divorce heartbreak at 46 and found a partner better than he could’ve imagined.

Tanya overcame social anxiety and imposter syndrome, landing a VP promotion at a major corporation.

Ready to create your own success story? Hypnosis makes it easier than you think. Start today and see what’s possible for you.


Jason Tong, C.Ht

Certified Hypnotist

P.S. Scroll down to see real reviews from real people.


Client Success Stories

How Does It Work?

My Coaching Program has seen a 96% Success Rate for the following issues.

The Problem:

Anxiety: Ongoing, uncontrollable stress and worry caused by thoughts about the future, past events, or daily ruminations.

Bad Habits: Smoking, overeating, biting (nails/skin), alcohol/drug use, insomnia, and social media addiction.

Confidence Issues: Social or business settings trigger fear of judgment, anxiety, and self-consciousness.

The Solution:

• These problems operate at the unconscious level, meaning they are ingrained habits happening automatically.

• Traditional methods target only the conscious mind.

• For issues rooted in the unconscious, Hypnosis is required to address and resolve them effectively.

• Hypnosis naturally engages the unconscious mind to rewire and create new, positive habits.

• Techniques like Self-Hypnosis and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction are taught to manage and prevent future episodes.

The Process of Your Transformation


Eliminating the issue by working with the subconscious mind to discover the true source of the problem.


Transforming your mind through subconscious reprogramming to develop a newly confident and empowering mindset.


Using your new mindset to rapidly move towards your desired goals and dreams.

Applying the learned strategies to work through future life challenges.

Who This Program IS For Who This Program is NOT For
Driven High-Achievers looking to boost productivity and overcome hidden anxiety. Victims who do not take ownership of their issues and avoid taking action.
Action-Takers who are ready to own their challenges and grow personally. Chronic Complainers who focus on problems instead of solutions.
Curious Minds open to exploring hypnosis and the latest neuroscience strategies for improvement. Excuse Makers who blame outside factors for their lack of progress.

How Effective is Hypnosis?

A sample from the 12,000+ Articles of Scholarly Research supporting Hypnosis:


Smoking Cessation:  81% Quit smoking with hypnosis, and the majority of those who quit  remained smoke-free a year later.

Elkins, G. R., & Rajab, M. H. (2004). Clinical Hypnosis For Smoking Cessation: Preliminary Results of a Three-Session Intervention. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 52(1), 73-81. doi:10.1076/iceh.

Weight Loss:  Hypnosis helped people lose weight in both the short-term and in the long-term. 

Kirsch, I. (1996). Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments: Another meta-reanalysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64(3), 517-519. doi:10.1037//0022-006x.64.3.517

Immune System Response: Only hypnotized patients had significant alteration of immune response.

Ruzyla-Smith, P., Barabasz, A., Barabasz, M., & Warner, D. (1995). Effects of Hypnosis on the Immune Response: B-Cells, T-Cells, Helper and Suppressor Cells. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 38(2), 71-79. doi:10.1080/00029157.1995.10403185

Chemotherapy patients had less anticipatory and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. 

Richardson, J., Smith, J., Mccall, G., Richardson, A., Pilkington, K., & Kirsch, I. (2007). Hypnosis for nausea and vomiting in cancer chemotherapy: A systematic review of the research evidence. European Journal of Cancer Care, 16(5), 402-412. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2354.2006.00736.x

Hypnosis helps control pain and has direct effects on many suprasinal sites involved in the experience of pain.

Jensen, M. P. (2009). Hypnosis for chronic pain management: A new hope. Pain, 146(3), 235-237. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2009.06.027

Does it Work Online?

Research shows live online video sessions (tele-hypnotherapy) are just as effective as in-person sessions, often more so. Clients also enjoy the convenience of no commute and the comfort of their own home.

It’s as easy as clicking a link and sitting at your computer for a session.

Ready for Change? Let's talk to see if you'd be a good candidate for Hypnosis...

If you qualify as a good candidate for Hypnosis, we can discuss a customized solution for your issue.

You will also learn about pricing, length of the program and the type of transformation you can expect to benefit from.